[25] Day 86 - 87

Submitted by: snoopy on Fri, 07/04/2006 - 5:49pm
Days 86 and 87 - A familiar pattern emerged these last two days.

Attempted a sesh before midnight, got my booty handed to me, dropping around a grand.

Grinded some back after midnight, told myself to stick within the "play zone"

The next day didn't play till after midnight. As I was up during the day doing some writing, I was too tired to complete 3 whole sessions. Instead of 120, I only managed 87.

Days 86 and 87 Results : -$241.5 (+$12,445 total)
ROI : 8.6% (after 2,275 tournamentals)

So there's 33 days left, only 28 days of which I'm intending to play. I now need to complete 62 tournaments on each of those days, this is gonna be tough!