[27] Day 94 - 95

Submitted by: snoopy on Fri, 07/04/2006 - 5:53pm
Days 94 and 95 - 69 down one day, 80 under the belt the next.
Just like a Mars, half a dozen cans of Red Bull a day, help you work, rest and play.

Well almost, they don't do much for the ol' resting malarky.
This bothers me not.
Sleep is for sleepy people, are there any discos open at 10am?

Days 94 and 95 Results : +$405 (+$13,397.5 total)
ROI : 8.3% (after 2,577 thingies)
Required daily rate : 61.9

Do you see what I've done boys and girls?
A new statistic in the results section of every update for the final run-in. It's how many tournaments, played per day, I'll need to average to get the job done.
It takes into account that I'll have two more days off this month.

Henceforth I'll use the acronym RDR instead of required daily rate (to confuse all the people who haven't been keeping up properly  Cheesy )