[13] Day 42 - 48

Submitted by: snoopy on Fri, 24/03/2006 - 1:11pm

I'd like to thank everyone that has wished me well over the course of this thread. There is no doubt in my mind that you guys have hepes me win more money.

On occasions when I was winning for the day, and might otherwise have ended my session, the urge not to dissapoint made me play more and in many cases win more. So a big thankyou to everyone. The Blondpoker forum has done so much for me.

I have news though. Dave Colclough has offered me a job managing Cincinnatis for him and I have accepted. It is a huge commitment and will not leave me any time to play online at the volume that would be necessary to complete this.

So thats the end of this quest for me, unless I get fired after a week. That's not going to happen though as I intend to pour my heart and soul into this new position. It is my sincere hope that what is bad news for fans of this thread will turn out to be good news for the Cincinnati card club. I'm giving this my best shot.

I'll hope to see you all at the BlondeBash, where I'll be wearing my tournament directors hat, (So won't be getting as drunk as I was at the last one) and at the Cincinnati Spring festival (details to follow very soon)

I'm always happy to hear suggestions and answer queries. Please get in touch with me about any Cincinnati related issue, either on the board, or better still by getting yer arse down the club to play, and speak to me in person  Cheesy

It's a great wee club, but with your help, we can make it fantastic.


OMG, thankyou all so much for wishing me well.

After just 3 days on the job I've decided that I can't do what I need to do to make that club a success. I'm letting Dave down but I really feel that I don't have what it takes to run that place.

Am I just being lazy and just shy of a bit of hard graft. I don't think so but anyone that wants to believe that is welcome to do so. I'm not going to argue with them. I have personal reasons for not taking the gig on too. It was a marvellous oppurtunity, but I've had to fold it. I don't really want to explain myself more than that here.

Am I a quitter, yes it certainly looks that way.

That's why this thread is back on everybody. Back on with avengence. I have to prove to myself that my life just doesn't consist of taking too much on and quitting prematurely.

So hold the bus.

Days 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 and 48 : Took a job, quit the thread.
Quit the job, am now taking back the thread.

Where did I leave it?

Days 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 and 48 : +$927 (+$5,351.8 total)
ROI : 12.6% (after 708 played)

Ah yes, I remember now.