(1) Day 1 - 3

Submitted by: snoopy on Fri, 24/03/2006 - 12:48pm

Day 2 - A very good day results wise, less good as far as volume of play goes.

Only played 20, half of yesterdays total. I was busy with a few things in the afternoon/evening so I'll let myself off the hook for now. I'm tired now and there's no point in playing on when I'm sleepy. Task is 1.5% complete.

The good news is, the few tournaments I played in went really well.

Day 2 result : +$1,225.8 ($1773.8 total)
ROI : 48.5% (Still meaningless, it won't stay anywhere near this high. So long as it stays in double figures though, I'll be chuffed)

I'm trying to maintain a certain ambivilance about my results at this early stage of proceedings. Not celebrating too much when I win should help me not feel too gloomy after a bad day. Should help keep the tilt wolf from the door too.

There will still be highs and lows in my life, their absense would make for a drab existence indeed. I just don't wish that said ups and downs are dictated to me by my poker results. I'd rather my moods change because of what's going on in my life outside the random number generator.

Milestone #1 reached today, the Silverstar VIP status for 1,500 VPP which gives me a 50% increase in FPPs earned. Goldstar should only be a few days away, another 99 tournaments needed for that.

Day 3 - Managed 32 last night so that's 93 in total (2.3% complete) I was wanting to do more but ran out of steam. Mechanical as these things are, sleeping whilst playing might reduce maximum efficiency.

I promised to mention poppet7 today and thank her for her support. She's railed me for a few batches of 4, whenever she does I seem to cash in far more than my fair share of them. She feels the traditional "aaaaaayyyyyyaaaaarrrrrr" too masculine and opts for a more girlie "yaaaaaaaay" instead.

Poor girl must be really bored, as dull as these things are to play they must be even duller to watch. Thanks poppet thumbs up and good luck in your studies when you go back on Thursday.

Day 3 Result : +$1,050 ($2,823.8 total)

ROI : 50.6% (zoiks, won't keep this up, tis a physical impossibility)

I want to hit 200 before blonde bash. I'm going to deal at Cincci's on Thursday so i'll need to clock up a fair few today to get anywhere near that target. An early start should help.